firebase_functions.test_lab_fn module
Cloud functions to handle Test Lab events.
ClientInfoclass firebase_functions.test_lab_fn.ClientInfo(client: str, details: dict[str, str]) |
Bases: object
Information about the client which invoked the test.
client: str
Client name, such as "gcloud".
details: dict[str, str]
Map of detailed information about the client.
OutcomeSummaryclass firebase_functions.test_lab_fn.OutcomeSummary(value) |
Bases: str , Enum
Outcome summary for a finished test matrix.
A run failed, for instance:
- One or more test case failed.
- A test timed out.
- The application under test crashed.
Something unexpected happened. The test run should still be considered
unsuccessful but this is likely a transient problem and re-running the
test might be successful.
The default value. This value is used if the state is omitted.
All tests were skipped.
The test matrix run was successful, for instance:
- All test cases passed.
- No crash of the application under test was detected.
ResultStorageclass firebase_functions.test_lab_fn.ResultStorage(tool_results_history: str, results_uri: str, gcs_path: str, tool_results_execution: str | None = None) |
Bases: object
Locations where test results are stored.
gcs_path: str
Location in Google Cloud Storage where test results are written to.
In the form "gs://bucket/path/to/somewhere".
results_uri: str
URI to the test results in the Firebase Web Console.
tool_results_execution: str | None = None
Tool Results execution resource containing test results. Format is
Optional, can be omitted in erroneous test states.
for more information.
tool_results_history: str
Tool Results history resource containing test results. Format is
for more information.
TestMatrixCompletedDataclass firebase_functions.test_lab_fn.TestMatrixCompletedData(create_time: datetime, state: TestState, invalid_matrix_details: str | None, outcome_summary: OutcomeSummary, result_storage: ResultStorage, client_info: ClientInfo, test_matrix_id: str) |
Bases: object
The data within all Firebase test matrix completed events.
client_info: ClientInfo
Information provided by the client that created the test matrix.
create_time: datetime
Time the test matrix was created.
invalid_matrix_details: str | None
Code that describes why the test matrix is considered invalid. Only set for
matrices in the INVALID state.
outcome_summary: OutcomeSummary
Outcome summary of the test matrix.
result_storage: ResultStorage
Locations where test results are stored.
state: TestState
State of the test matrix.
test_matrix_id: str
ID of the test matrix this event belongs to.
TestStateclass firebase_functions.test_lab_fn.TestState(value) |
Bases: str , Enum
Possible test states for a test matrix.
The test matrix has completed because of an infrastructure failure.
The test matrix has completed normally.
The test matrix was not run because the provided inputs are not valid.
The test matrix is waiting for resources to become available.
The default value. This value is used if the state is omitted.
The test matrix is being validated.
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Last updated 2023-11-06 UTC.
[null,null,["Last updated 2023-11-06 UTC."],[],[]]