编写 Genkit 评估器

Firebase Genkit 可以扩展为支持对测试用例输出进行自定义评估,方法是使用 LLM 作为评判者,或者完全以编程方式进行评估。


评估器是用于评估 LLM 提供和生成的内容的函数。自动评估(测试)主要有两种方法:启发词语评估和基于 LLM 的评估。在启发法中,您可以定义确定性函数,就像传统软件开发中的函数一样。在基于 LLM 的评估中,系统会将内容反馈给 LLM,并要求 LLM 根据提示中设置的条件对输出进行评分。

基于 LLM 的评估程序

基于 LLM 的评估器利用 LLM 来评估生成式 AI 功能的输入、上下文或输出。

Genkit 中基于 LLM 的评估器由 3 个组件组成:

  • 提示
  • 评分函数
  • 评估器操作


在此示例中,提示将要求 LLM 评判输出的美味程度。首先,向 LLM 提供上下文,然后说明您希望它执行的操作,最后,提供一些示例来作为其回答的基础。

Genkit 的 definePrompt 实用程序提供了一种简单的方法来定义包含输入和输出验证的提示。下面介绍了如何使用 definePrompt 设置评估提示。

const DELICIOUSNESS_VALUES = ['yes', 'no', 'maybe'] as const;

const DeliciousnessDetectionResponseSchema = z.object({
  reason: z.string(),
  verdict: z.enum(DELICIOUSNESS_VALUES),
type DeliciousnessDetectionResponse = z.infer<typeof DeliciousnessDetectionResponseSchema>;

const DELICIOUSNESS_PROMPT = ai.definePrompt(
    name: 'deliciousnessPrompt',
    inputSchema: z.object({
      output: z.string(),
    outputSchema: DeliciousnessDetectionResponseSchema,
  `You are a food critic. Assess whether the provided output sounds delicious, giving only "yes" (delicious), "no" (not delicious), or "maybe" (undecided) as the verdict.

  Output: Chicken parm sandwich
  Response: { "reason": "A classic and beloved dish.", "verdict": "yes" }

  Output: Boston Logan Airport tarmac
  Response: { "reason": "Not edible.", "verdict": "no" }

  Output: A juicy piece of gossip
  Response: { "reason": "Metaphorically 'tasty' but not food.", "verdict": "maybe" }

  New Output:


现在,定义一个函数,该函数将根据提示中的要求接受包含 output 的示例,并为结果评分。Genkit 测试用例将 input 作为必填字段,并为 outputcontext 添加了可选字段。评估者有责任验证评估所需的所有字段是否均已填写。

import { BaseEvalDataPoint, Score } from 'genkit/evaluator';

 * Score an individual test case for delciousness.
export async function deliciousnessScore<
  CustomModelOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny,
  judgeLlm: ModelArgument<CustomModelOptions>,
  dataPoint: BaseEvalDataPoint,
  judgeConfig?: CustomModelOptions
): Promise<Score> {
  const d = dataPoint;
  // Validate the input has required fields
  if (!d.output) {
    throw new Error('Output is required for Deliciousness detection');

  //Hydrate the prompt
  const finalPrompt = DELICIOUSNESS_PROMPT.renderText({
    output: d.output as string,

  // Call the LLM to generate an evaluation result
  const response = await generate({
    model: judgeLlm,
    prompt: finalPrompt,
    config: judgeConfig,

  // Parse the output
  const parsedResponse = response.output;
  if (!parsedResponse) {
    throw new Error(`Unable to parse evaluator response: ${response.text}`);

  // Return a scored response
  return {
    score: parsedResponse.verdict,
    details: { reasoning: parsedResponse.reason },



import { BaseEvalDataPoint, EvaluatorAction } from 'genkit/evaluator';

 * Create the Deliciousness evaluator action.
export function createDeliciousnessEvaluator<
  ModelCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny,
  judge: ModelReference<ModelCustomOptions>,
  judgeConfig: z.infer<ModelCustomOptions>
): EvaluatorAction {
  return defineEvaluator(
      name: `myAwesomeEval/deliciousness`,
      displayName: 'Deliciousness',
      definition: 'Determines if output is considered delicous.',
    async (datapoint: BaseEvalDataPoint) => {
      const score = await deliciousnessScore(judge, datapoint, judgeConfig);
      return {
        testCaseId: datapoint.testCaseId,
        evaluation: score,


启发词语评估器可以是用于评估生成式 AI 特征的输入、上下文或输出的任何函数。

Genkit 中的启发词语评估器由 2 个组件组成:

  • 评分函数
  • 评估器操作


与基于 LLM 的评估器一样,定义评分函数。在这种情况下,评分函数无需了解评判 LLM 或其配置。

import { BaseEvalDataPoint, Score } from 'genkit/evaluator';


 * Scores whether an individual datapoint matches a US Phone Regex.
export async function usPhoneRegexScore(
  dataPoint: BaseEvalDataPoint
): Promise<Score> {
  const d = dataPoint;
  if (!d.output || typeof d.output !== 'string') {
    throw new Error('String output is required for regex matching');
  const matches = US_PHONE_REGEX.test(d.output as string);
  const reasoning = matches
    ? `Output matched regex ${regex.source}`
    : `Output did not match regex ${regex.source}`;
  return {
    score: matches,
    details: { reasoning },


import { BaseEvalDataPoint, EvaluatorAction } from 'genkit/evaluator';

 * Configures a regex evaluator to match a US phone number.
export function createUSPhoneRegexEvaluator(
  metrics: RegexMetric[]
): EvaluatorAction[] {
  return metrics.map((metric) => {
    const regexMetric = metric as RegexMetric;
    return defineEvaluator(
        name: `myAwesomeEval/${metric.name.toLocaleLowerCase()}`,
        displayName: 'Regex Match',
          'Runs the output against a regex and responds with 1 if a match is found and 0 otherwise.',
        isBilled: false,
      async (datapoint: BaseEvalDataPoint) => {
        const score = await regexMatchScore(datapoint, regexMetric.regex);
        return fillScores(datapoint, score);



定义自定义评估器插件将使用的 PluginOptions。此对象没有严格的要求,并且取决于定义的评估器类型。


export enum MyAwesomeMetric {

export interface PluginOptions {
  metrics?: Array<MyAwesomeMetric>;

如果这个新插件使用 LLM 作为评判者,并且该插件支持切换要使用的 LLM,请在 PluginOptions 对象中定义其他参数。

export enum MyAwesomeMetric {

export interface PluginOptions<ModelCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny> {
  judge: ModelReference<ModelCustomOptions>;
  judgeConfig?: z.infer<ModelCustomOptions>;
  metrics?: Array<MyAwesomeMetric>;


插件通过项目中的 genkit.config.ts 文件向框架注册。如需能够配置新插件,请定义一个函数来定义 GenkitPlugin,并使用上面定义的 PluginOptions 对其进行配置。

在本例中,我们有两个评估器 DELICIOUSNESSUS_PHONE_REGEX_MATCH。此处是将这些评估器注册到插件和 Firebase Genkit 的位置。

export function myAwesomeEval<ModelCustomOptions extends z.ZodTypeAny>(
  options: PluginOptions<ModelCustomOptions>
): PluginProvider {
  // Define the new plugin
  const plugin = (options?: MyPluginOptions<ModelCustomOptions>) => {
    return genkitPlugin(
    async (ai: Genkit) => {
      const { judge, judgeConfig, metrics } = options;
      const evaluators: EvaluatorAction[] = metrics.map((metric) => {
        switch (metric) {
          case DELICIOUSNESS:
            // This evaluator requires an LLM as judge
            return createDeliciousnessEvaluator(ai, judge, judgeConfig);
          case US_PHONE_REGEX_MATCH:
            // This evaluator does not require an LLM
            return createUSPhoneRegexEvaluator();
      return { evaluators };
  // Create the plugin with the passed options
  return plugin(options);
export default myAwesomeEval;

配置 Genkit

将新定义的插件添加到 Genkit 配置中。

如需使用 Gemini 进行评估,请停用安全设置,以便评估者接受、检测和评分潜在有害内容。

import { gemini15Flash } from '@genkit-ai/googleai';

const ai = genkit({
  plugins: [
      judge: gemini15Flash,
      judgeConfig: {
        safetySettings: [
            category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH',
            threshold: 'BLOCK_NONE',
            category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT',
            threshold: 'BLOCK_NONE',
            category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT',
            threshold: 'BLOCK_NONE',
            category: 'HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT',
            threshold: 'BLOCK_NONE',
      metrics: [


评估生成式 AI 特征输出质量时遇到的问题同样适用于评估基于 LLM 的评估器的评判能力。


以美味度为例,这可能类似于 JSON 文件 deliciousness_dataset.json

    "testCaseId": "delicous_mango",
    "input": "What is a super delicious fruit",
    "output": "A perfectly ripe mango – sweet, juicy, and with a hint of tropical sunshine."
    "testCaseId": "disgusting_soggy_cereal",
    "input": "What is something that is tasty when fresh but less tasty after some time?",
    "output": "Stale, flavorless cereal that's been sitting in the box too long."

这些示例可以由人工生成,也可以让 LLM 帮助创建一组可管理的测试用例。您还可以使用许多可用的基准数据集。

然后,使用 Genkit CLI 针对这些测试用例运行评估器。

genkit eval:run deliciousness_dataset.json

在 Genkit 界面中查看结果。

genkit start

导航到 localhost:4000/evaluate